A Study on Generalized Jacobsthal-Padovan Numbers

  • Yüksel Soykan Department of Mathematics, Art and Science Faculty, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, 67100, Zonguldak, Turkey
Keywords: Jacobsthal-Padovan numbers, Jacobsthal-Perrin numbers, adjusted Jacobsthal-Padovan numbers, modified Jacobsthal-Padovan numbers


In this paper, we investigate the generalized Jacobsthal-Padovan sequences and we deal with, in detail, four special cases, namely, Jacobsthal-Padovan, Jacobsthal-Perrin, adjusted Jacobsthal-Padovan and modified Jacobsthal-Padovan sequences. We present Binet’s formulas, generating functions, Simson formulas, and the summation formulas for these sequences. Moreover, we give some identities and matrices related with these sequences.


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How to Cite
Soykan, Y. (2020). A Study on Generalized Jacobsthal-Padovan Numbers . Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4(2), 227-251. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejms.4220.227251