On Some Subclasses of m-fold Symmetric Bi-univalent Functions associated with the Sakaguchi Type Functions

  • Ismaila O. Ibrahim Department of Mathematical Science, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria
  • Timilehin G. Shaba Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin, P. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Amol B. Patil Department of First Year Engineering, AISSMS's College of Engineering, Pune-411001, India
Keywords: univalent function, bi-univalent function, m-fold symmetric bi-univalent function, Sakaguchi type function


In the present investigation, we introduce the subclasses $\Lambda_{\Sigma_m}^{\rightthreetimes}(\sigma,\phi,\upsilon)$ and $\Lambda_{\Sigma_m}^{\rightthreetimes}(\sigma,\gamma,\upsilon)$ of $m$-fold symmetric bi-univalent function class $\Sigma_m$, which are associated with the Sakaguchi type of functions and defined in the open unit disk. Further, we obtain estimates on the initial coefficients $b_{m+1}$ and $b_{2m+1}$ for the functions of these subclasses and find out connections with some of the familiar classes.


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How to Cite
Ibrahim, I. O., Shaba, T. G., & Patil, A. B. (2021). On Some Subclasses of m-fold Symmetric Bi-univalent Functions associated with the Sakaguchi Type Functions. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 8(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejms.8122.115