The Interpolative Berinde Weak Mapping Theorem in η-Cone Pentagonal Metric Space

  • Clement Boateng Ampadu 31 Carrolton Road, Boston, MA 02132-6303, USA
Keywords: cone pentagonal metric space, fixed points, interpolative Berinde weak contraction mapping principle, ordered Banach space


In this paper we introduce a concept of η-cone pentagonal metric space, which combines the notions of cone pentagonal metric space [1], and η-cone metric space [2]. Moreover, a variant of the interpolative Berinde weak mapping theorem obtained in [3] is proved in this setting.


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Clement Boateng Ampadu, Banach contraction mapping theorem in η-cone rectangular metric space, Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 13(1) (2020), 23-34.

How to Cite
Ampadu, C. B. (2020). The Interpolative Berinde Weak Mapping Theorem in η-Cone Pentagonal Metric Space. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5(2), 251-266.

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