Tautomerism in Pindone – A DFT Study

  • Lemi Türker Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Üniversiteler, Eskişehir Yolu No: 1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: pindone, 2-pivalyl-1,3-indandione, tautomerism, DFT, NICS


Pindone is a rodenticide having three keto groups in its structure. Presently, 1,3-type keto-enol tautomerism of pindone has been studied within the constraints of density functional theory at the level of B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p). Various structural and quantum chemical properties of these tautomers have been obtained, compared and discussed. Endocyclic and exocyclic enol forms of pindone are accompanied by dipole moment vectors having opposite directions. The endocyclic enol structure is found to be more stable than the exocyclic enol and pindone. IR and UV-VIS spectra are obtained. NICS(0) values are calculated to visualize the effect of tautomerism on the local aromaticity of the structures considered.


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How to Cite
Türker, L. (2019). Tautomerism in Pindone – A DFT Study. Earthline Journal of Chemical Sciences, 3(1), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejcs.3120.3550