A Study on Permanent of L-R Hexagonal Fuzzy Number Matrices

  • D. Stephen Dinagar PG and Research Department of Mathematics, T.B.M.L. College, Porayar-609307, India
  • U. Hari Narayanan PG and Research Department of Mathematics, T.B.M.L. College, Porayar-609307, India
Keywords: L-R hexagonal fuzzy number (L-R HFN), L-R hexagonal fuzzy matrix (L-R HFM), non-square matrix, permanent, partial derivatives, constant


In this paper, it is shown that a number of properties of permanent of both square and non-square matrices present under fuzzy environment. We establish the basic formulas of determinant and permanent of matrices which contains the new properties to compare the both notions. We investigate the permanent of square L-R hexagonal fuzzy matrix (L-R HFM) using in different ways from partial derivatives. The notions of permanent of non-square L-R hexagonal fuzzy matrix are defined. Moreover, we derive some of the standard properties and constant matrix with the aid of above notion.

How to Cite
Dinagar, D. S., & Narayanan, U. H. (2019). A Study on Permanent of L-R Hexagonal Fuzzy Number Matrices. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2(1), 39-67. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejms.2119.3967