Anti Q-fuzzy Subgroups under t-conorms

  • Rasul Rasuli Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: fuzzy algebraic structures, group theory, norms, anti Q-fuzzy subgroups, normal anti Q-fuzzy subgroups, homomorphisms


In this paper we introduce the notion of anti Q-fuzzy subgroups of G with respect to t‑conorm C and study their important properties. Next we define the union, normal and direct product of two anti Q-fuzzy subgroups of G with respect to t-conorm C and we show that the union, normal and direct product of them is again an anti Q-fuzzy subgroup of G with respect to t-conorm C. It is also shown that the homomorphic image and pre image of anti Q-fuzzy subgroup of G with respect to t-conorm C is again an anti Q-fuzzy subgroup of G with respect to t-conorm C.


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How to Cite
Rasuli , R. (2020). Anti Q-fuzzy Subgroups under t-conorms. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4(1), 13-28.