The Fav-Jerry Distribution: Another Member in the Lindley Class with Applications

  • Divine-Favour N. Ekemezie Department of Statistics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
  • Okechukwu J. Obulezi Department of Statistics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Keywords: estimations, real-life data, Monte-Carlo simulation, Lindley class of distributions, plots, Fav-Jerry distribution, goodness fit, Bayesian estimation


In this paper, we designed another one-parameter distribution using a mixture of exponential and gamma distributions. This new distribution is unique among other members of the Lindley class because the qunatile function has a closed-functional form hence lending itself to analytical study. This distribution is named Fav-Jerry after the names of the authors. The statistical properties and point estimation using some non-Bayesian methods were studied. We deploy tow real datasets to demonstrate the usefulness of the new model. The real data applications using data sets on mortality rate and failure rate in a particular airplane showed that the proposed model fits well compared to its competitors, therefore, the Fav-Jerry distribution is superior to Two parameter Chris-Jerry(TPCJ), Chris-Jerry, Exponentiated Inverted Exponential distribution, and Weibull distributions and then parametric plots showing the histogram, CDF, survival and TTT plots gotten from both data sets are displayed.


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How to Cite
Ekemezie, D.-F. N., & Obulezi, O. J. (2024). The Fav-Jerry Distribution: Another Member in the Lindley Class with Applications. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 14(4), 793-816.