A Multi-Indicator Light Weight Defense Scheme for Smartphone Camera-Based Attacks

  • Arnold Mashud Abukari Department of Computer Science, Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana
  • Abukari Abdul Aziz Danaa Department of Computer Science, Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana
  • Diyawu Mumin Department of Computer Science, Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana
  • Shiraz Ismail Department of Computer Science, Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana
Keywords: camera-based attack, smartphone, cyber attack, random forest, light weight defense scheme, cyber security


Over the years, cyber criminals have succeeded in exposing some vulnerabilities in smartphones and have exploited those vulnerabilities in several ways. In recent years, one of the growing attacks on smartphones is the camera-based attacks. Attackers are able to exploit smartphone vulnerabilities to cause harm to smartphone users by using cameras of the smartphones to capture images and videos. Privacy leakage and confidentiality remains a big threat to smartphone users and this has gained attention from researchers and industry players across the world. In this research paper, a multi-indicator light weight defense scheme is presented to address the rising smartphone camera-based attacks. The random forest algorithm, the Gini coefficient index and the entropy method are adopted in the designing of the proposed scheme. The means of the threat indicators and the Mean Square Deviation (MSD) is also calculated in order to ensure accurate scores and weight assignments of the threat indicators. The proposed multi-indicator light weight scheme demonstrated to be consistent with real situations. A review of literature in camera-based attacks is also presented in this research paper.


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How to Cite
Abukari, A. M., Danaa, A. A. A., Mumin , D., & Ismail, S. (2023). A Multi-Indicator Light Weight Defense Scheme for Smartphone Camera-Based Attacks. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 13(2), 543-553. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejms.13223.543553

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