Common Fixed Point Results for Compatible Mappings of Type (C)

  • Mumtaz Ali Department of Mathematics, Federal Government College, Mardan (KPK), Pakistan
  • Muhammad Arshad Department of Mathematics, International Islamic University, H-10, Islamabad-44000, Pakistan
Keywords: compatible mappings, compatible mappings of type (C), common fixed points, complete metric space


The aim of this paper is to study and generalize common fixed point theorems for four self-mappings compatible of type (C) in the settings of complete metric spaces. The main idea is the extensions and generalizations of some fixed point theorems related to compatible mappings.


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How to Cite
Ali, M., & Arshad, M. (2023). Common Fixed Point Results for Compatible Mappings of Type (C). Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 13(2), 527-542.