m-commuting Additive Maps on Upper Triangular Matrices Rings

  • Driss Aiat Hadj Ahmed Centre Régional des Métiers d’Education et de Formation (CRMEF), Tangier, Morocco
Keywords: commuting maps, upper triangular matrices rings, additive maps


Let Tn(R) be the upper triangular matrix ring over a unital commutative ring whose characteristic is not a divisor of m. Suppose that f : Tn(R) → Tn(R) is an additive map such that Xmf (X) = f (X)Xm for all X ϵ Tn(R), where m ≥ 1 is an integer. We consider the problem of describing the form of the map Xf (X).

How to Cite
Ahmed, D. A. H. (2019). m-commuting Additive Maps on Upper Triangular Matrices Rings. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2(2), 505-514. https://doi.org/10.34198/ejms.2219.505514