The Topp-Leone Weibull Distribution: Its Properties and Application

  • Diamond O. Tuoyo Department of Statistics, University of Benin, Nigeria
  • Festus C. Opone Department of Statistics, University of Benin, Nigeria
  • N. Ekhosuehi Department of Statistics, University of Benin, Nigeria
Keywords: Topp-Leone distribution, Weibull distribution, maximum likelihood estimate


This paper presents a new generalization of the Topp-Leone distribution called the Topp-Leone Weibull Distribution (TLWD). Some of the mathematical properties of the proposed distribution are derived, and the maximum likelihood estimation method is adopted in estimating the parameters of the proposed distribution. An application of the proposed distribution alongside with some well-known distributions belonging to the Topp-Leone generated family of distributions, to a real lifetime data set reveals that the proposed distribution exhibits more flexibility in modeling lifetime data based on some comparison criteria such as maximized log-likelihood, Akaike Information Criterion [AIC=2k-2 log⁡(L) ], Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic (K-S) and Anderson Darling test statistic (A*) and Crammer-Von Mises test statistic (W*).


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How to Cite
Tuoyo, D. O., Opone, F. C., & Ekhosuehi, N. (2021). The Topp-Leone Weibull Distribution: Its Properties and Application. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 7(2), 381-401.