Anticommutativity and n-schemes

  • Brice Réné Amougou Mbarga University of Yaoundé I, Laboratory of Algebra, Geometry and Application, P.O.Box: 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Keywords: categories, anticommutative, triangular scheme


The purpose of this paper is two-fold. A first and more concrete aim is to give new characterizations of equivalence distributive Goursat categories (which extend 3-permutable varieties) through variations of the little Pappian Theorem involving reflexive and positive relations. A second and more abstract aim is to show that every finitely complete category E satisfying the n-scheme is locally anticommutative.


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How to Cite
Mbarga, B. R. A. (2021). Anticommutativity and n-schemes. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 6(1), 175-186.