Some Topological Measures for Nicotine

  • Abaid ur Rehman Virk Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Keywords: Shingali & Kanabour indices, Gourava indices, hyper Gourava indices, Nicotine


A topological index is a quantity expressed as a number that help us to catch symmetry of chemical compounds. With the help of quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR), we can guess physical and chemical properties of several chemical compounds. Here, we will compute Shingali & Kanabour, Gourava and hype Gourava indices for the chemical compound Nicotine.


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How to Cite
Virk, A. ur R. (2020). Some Topological Measures for Nicotine. Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4(2), 287-296.