The mechanism of Fleury test for morphine

  • Francisco Sánchez-Viesca Organic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City (CDMX), Mexico
  • Reina Gómez Organic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City (CDMX), Mexico
Keywords: acidolysis, 2,3-dioxomorphine, halochromism, lead dioxide, ortho-plumbate, oxide hydrate, push-pull concerted mechanism


The test under study is due to M. Fleury. He used morphine dissolved, at room temperature, in 1/20 N sulphuric acid; added some lead superoxide (lead dioxide), stirred for 8 min., let stand 4 min; the water-clear liquid was separated, and a drop of ammonia was added. A brown colour occurs immediately. These experimental data indicate not a fast reaction, but a rather complex mechanism. In this communication a reaction mechanism is provided for the first time. Protonated lead dioxide is the reactive species which on interaction with the phenol group in morphine forms a mixed ortho-plumbate. Protonation of this ester does not favor further reaction. However, reaction with a second reactive species is favourable for a push-pull seven-member reaction mechanism. Enolization of the dienone formed restores aromaticity. Protonation of the Pb=O double bond in the obtained intermediate promotes a 7-atom concerted mechanism. 2,3-Dioxomorphine is formed along with an oxide hydrate that yields water and two molecules of plumbous oxide.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Viesca, F., & Gómez, R. (2024). The mechanism of Fleury test for morphine . Earthline Journal of Chemical Sciences, 11(3), 379-384.

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