Antioxidants and Their Role in Preventing Diseases: A Review
Antioxidants are natural materials that may delay or stop some kinds of hurt in cells. Many foodstuffs have antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables. Even though the reactions of oxidation are critical for life, but can also be harmful; vegetation and faunae preserve multifaceted systems of various types of antioxidants, for example, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A besides enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase and many peroxides. The most important antioxidant source that protected ancient peoples from the harm caused by free radicals was old-style herbal remedies and dietetic diets. In addition, it is broadly utilized in dietetic supplements and have been studied for their potential to prevent diseases such as tumors and coronary heart disease. Although preliminary research suggested that antioxidant supplements could be beneficial to one’s health. Furthermore, clinical trials of antioxidant supplements containing beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E alone or in various combinations show that supplementation has no effect on the rate or may even increase it. Antioxidants are also used in the food industry as food additives and cosmetics, as well as to prevent rubber and fuel degradation.
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