HPLC Analysis of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination of Local and Foreign Brands of Cigarette Tobacco Popularly Consumed in Niger State North-Central Nigeria
Under favorable growth conditions, fungi produced aflatoxins. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) categorized as a carcinogen is the most toxic and subject of regulation in foods and feeds in many countries. AFB1 contamination has been reported in a wide range of products including cigarette tobacco due to improper processing and storage conditions. This research aim at determining the concentration load of AFB1 mycotoxin in brands of cigarette tobacco commonly consumed in Lapai and Minna metropolis of Niger State Nigeria. Thirty-six (36) brands of cigarette tobacco were purchased in open markets in Minna and Lapai towns of Niger state, Nigeria. Residual AFB1 was extracted from the sample using standard procedures. HPLC analysis was used for the mycotoxin quantification. The result showed that all cigarette samples produces AFB1 with a concentration of 302 µg/mL and 18 µg/mL as the highest and lowest AFB1 concentration respectively for the local – Nigeria brands compared to 166 µg/mL and 8 µg/mL AFB1 concentration observed for the foreign brands. The findings from this study provide sufficient levels of contamination to pose significant health hazard for the consumer of the tobacco. Careful processing and storage is therefore advocated to eliminate or reduce the mycotoxin contamination of the cigarette brands.
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