Chemical Studies and Antibacterial Activity of the Root of Rumex abyssinicus
One of the Ethiopian endemic plants used traditionally as medicine for different diseases is Rumex abyssinicus. It is widely known as ‘Meqmeqo’ in Amharic. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize compounds from the root of R. abyssinicus and to test their bioactivities of solvent fractions of the extract. The crude extract was extracted from dried powdered root of the plant with methanol. Then it was fractionated with n‑hexane and ethyl acetate with increasing polarity. The yellow powder obtained from ethyl acetate fractionation was applied to column chromatographic separation that led to the isolation of two compounds, diisobutyl phthalate and emodine. Finally, antibacterial evaluation of the ethyl acetate and methanol soluble portions were carried out against four pathogenic bacteria. Both methanol and ethyl acetate soluble portions inhibited all selected bacterial in better at high concentrations.
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