Application of Snail Shell Chitosan as a Bioadsorbent in Removal of Copper (II) Ions from Wastewater
Recently, various adsorbents have been employed in removing different heavy metals from wastewater particularly those that are toxic to man. This study was therefore conducted to examine the potency of chitosan obtained from snail shells to remove copper from wastewater by adsorption. The chitosan was subjected to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis which showed a strong band at 3425.69cm-1 that can be attributed to N‑H and O-H stretching. The peak observed at 2939.61cm-1 indicated symmetric alkane -C-H stretching vibration or -OH stretch of carboxylic acids while that of 2546.12cm-1 can be assigned to -C≡C stretching vibration of alkynes. The presence of residual N‑acetyl group was confirmed by the peak at 1643.41cm-1 (C=O stretching of amide I) and the peak at 1489.10cm-1 may be attributed to glycosidic linkage. The absorption band at 1149.61cm-1 can be attributed to be asymmetric stretching of the C‑O‑C bridge. The adsorption of copper by the chitosan was also studied under the effects of some process parameters and it was observed that removal efficiency of the chitosan increased with increase in contact time, adsorbent dosage and pH but decreased with increase in initial metal concentration. The adsorption of the copper ions was found to be aided by the presence of amine functional group on the chitosan and the mechanism of adsorption was chemisorption as the equilibrium data obtained from the study fitted better into the Langmuir isotherm model.
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